Dilla University

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

Call for paper

Call for paper

6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

Call For Research Propossals

Call For Research Propossals

Upcoming Event

Upcoming Event

Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

Green University, Sustainable Future

Dr. Getahun Haile

Dr.  Getahun Haile (PhD), Associate Professor of  Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management at the College of  Agriculture and…

Dr. Negussie Zeray (PhD)

Dr. Negussie Zeray (PhD), Associate Professor of Agricultural Economics at the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Department…


Carrier History (Educational Qualification):  2022 –       Associate Prof. of Land Resources Management, 2018 –       PhD, College of…

Dr. Mesfin Mola

Associate Professor In Education Planing and Management Dean, Institute of Education and Behavioral sciences, Dilla University

Dr. Dejene Girma

Dr. Dejene Girma Denbel (PhD) is an Associate Professor of Mathematics Education at the College of Natural and…