Associate Professor of Land Management
Research and Technology Transfer V/President, Dilla University
Carrier History (Educational Qualification):
- 2022 – Associate Prof. of Land Resources Management,
- 2018 – PhD, College of Land Management, Nanjing Agricultural University, China (Dissertation: Towards agroforestry dominated land use systems of the southeastern rift escarpment, Ethiopia: Its land use change and ecosystem services response)
- 2018 – MSc, Faculty of dry Land Agriculture and Natural Resources, Mekele University , Ethiopia (Thesis: GIS and Remote Sensing based LULC change Analysis and Carbon Stock Estimation in the middle Rift-Valley Lakes Region of Ethiopia)
- 2001 – 1997 – 2001BSc Degree in Forestry, Debub (now Hawassa) University Wondo Genet College of Forestry, Ethiopia
- 1996– 1993 – 1996 High school certificate, Hareto Senior Secondary School
Short term Trainings and Workshops attended Trainings:
- On line course (Training) on Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) by UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands from 01 March 2011 – 30 June 2011
- Training on Project proposal/Research project proposal by Hawassa University (the then Debub University) funded by Ethiopian Science and Technology commission (now Minister) in 2005.
- First TOT Program for practical oriented teaching at Alage Agricultural TVET college by higher experts of Chinese and Indian Instructors on Water harvesting technology, Alternative Energy source, Land use planning , forest development, Soil & water conservation and irrigation systems and practices; 2002
- Second TOT program on special areas of study (Land use planning preparation, Aerial photo interpretation techniques, GIS & RS practices)
- Training for curriculum development techniques by Ministry of Agriculture and rural development of Ethiopia (2002)
Attended Workshops and Oral Presentations:
- Curriculum review work shop in the field of teacher education in Natural resources management prepared by Jimma University; 2003
- An Inception workshop organized by Addis Ababa University and UNESCO-IHE on capacity building in Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) in higher learning institutions to implement a Nuffic-NPT project; 2009.
- IRBM Research Agenda workshop organized by Addis Ababa University and UNESCO-IHE on capacity building in IRBM in higher learning institutions to implement a Nuffic-NPT project; 2009.
- Paper presentation and participation on “One-Belt-One-Road Project” International Workshop prepared by South east university, Nanjing China in collaboration with Ethiopian universities, March 2018
- Paper presentation and attended the 4th World Congress on Agroforestry held at “Le Corum” in Montpellier (France) from 20 to 22 May 2019
- Paper presentation and attended an international workshop on “Gender Mainstreaming in NORHED II Projects: Beyond Binaries” 30th – 1st Sept. 2022, Laico Lake Victoria Hotel, Uganda
Work experience:
- 2022 (Nov.) ― Associate Professor in the Department of Natural Resources Management, Dilla University, Ethiopia
― Vice President for Research and Technology Transfer, Dilla University
2018-to date ― Assistant Professor in the Department of Natural Resources Management, Dilla University, Ethiopia
- Director of Research and Dissemination Directorate; Dilla University
- Associate editor of “Ethiopian Journal of Environment and development” (an emerging journal of my institution)
2008-2015 ― Associate Registrar as well as Director for University Registrar of Dilla University.
2009-2011 ― Team Leader of academic programs and quality Enhancement, School of Natural resources and Earth Sciences, Dilla University
2005-2007 ― Head of Research, Extension and Publication Office (RPO), Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development, Alage Agricultural College, Ethiopia
2003-2005 ― Head of Practical coordination office, Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development, Alage Agricultural College, Ethiopia
2001-2006 ― Assistance Lecturer in Department of Natural Resources, Ministry of Agriculture and rural Development, Alage Agricultural College, Ethiopia
Experiences on project hunting:
- Nuffic funded project on: Integrated River Basin Management (IRBM) by UNESCO-IHE, Delft, the Netherlands, (Project leader);
- Capacity building in renewable energy research and education in Ethiopia with Norwegian University of life sciences (NORHED II Projects) (Project leader);
- Project on River basin planning : Rift valley lakes basin 15 years strategic planning (Project coordinator and cluster leader for five universities);
- Project on River basin planning : Genalle Dawa River basin planning (Project leader);
- Project on “Documentation of lessons learned from the 2020 disasters‟ responses (DL, COVID-19, floods, and security issues) and identification of areas for improvement in Gedeo Zone as well as Amaro and Burji Woredas”- funded by UNDP & SNNPR Agriculture & NR bureau, Disaster risk Management office (project member);
- Project on Water allocation Planning: Study on Abaya Chamo Sub-Basin Water Allocation Planning: Rift Valley Lakes Basin (Project coordinator and cluster leader for two member universities);
Thesis supervision, international article review and research experiences
For the last decade, I have been participated in master and PhD thesis supervision particularly as internal and external examiner and chairing various thesis and research forum. Currently, I have been supervising six PhD fellows. As stated below, for the last ten years I have published scientific articles on land change impacts on environment, lake retreat influence, soil organic carbon and services provided by various ecosystems including inland wetlands and lakes, and also participated in voluntarily review of reputable international journals.
- Temesgen, H.;Wu,W.; Legesse, A.; Yirsaw, E.; Bekele, B. Landscape based upstream-downstream prevalence of land use/cover change drivers in southeastern rift escarpment of Ethiopia. Environmental Monitoring & Assessment 2018,190,
- Temesgen, H. and W. Wei, Farmers’ Value Assessment of Sociocultural and Ecological Ecosystem Services in Agricultural Landscapes. Sustainability, 2018. 10 (703).
- Temesgen,;Wu,W.; Shi, X.; Yirsaw, E.; Bekele, B. Kindu, M. Variation in ecosystem service values in an agroforestry dominated landscape in Ethiopia: implications for land use and conservation policy. Sustainability, 2018, 10, 1126;
- Negasa, T., Ketema, H., Legesse, A., Sisay, M., Temesgen, H., 2017. Variation in soil properties under different land use types managed by smallholder farmers along the toposequence in southern Ethiopia. Geoderma, 290, 40-50.
- Jan Nyssen , Habtamu Temesgen , Mulugeta Lemenih , Amanuel Zenebe , Nigussie Haregeweyn , Mitiku Haile (2008) Spatial and temporal variation of soil organic carbon stocks in a lake retreat area of the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Geoderma, pp 261-268.
- Habtamu Temesgen, Nyssen, J., Amanuel Zenebe, Mengistie Kindu, Mitiku Haile (2003). Ecological succession and land use changes in a lake retreat area (Main Ethiopian Rift Valley). Journal of Arid Environments, 91: 53-60.
- Yirsaw, E., Wu, W., Temesgen, H. and Bekele, B., 2016. Effect of temporal land use/land cover changes on ecosystem services value in coastal area of China: The case of Su-Xi-Chang region. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research,14, pp.409-422.
- Yirsaw, E., Wu, W., Shi, X., Temesgen, H. and Bekele, B., 2017. Land Use/Land Cover Change Modeling and the Prediction of Subsequent Changes in Ecosystem Service Values in a Coastal Area of China, the Su-Xi-Chang Region. Sustainability,9(7), p.1204.
- Yirsaw, E., Wu, W., Temesgen, H., Bekele, B. 2017. Socioeconomic drivers of spatio-temporal land use/land cover changes in a rapidly urbanizing area of China, the Su-Xi-Chang Region. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research 15:809-827.
- Gebrekidan Worku, Amare Bantider and Habtamu Temesgen (2014). Effect of Land Use and Land Cover Change on Some Soil Chemical and Physical Properties in Ameleke Watershed, South Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research; Vol.4, No.13,
- Gebrekidan Worku, Amare Bantider and Habtamu Temesgen (2014). Land use and land cover change in Ameleke Watershed, Southern Ethiopia. Journal of Natural Sciences Research; Vol.4, No.14,
- Bekele, B.; Wu,W.; Temesgen, H.; Legesse, A.; Yirsaw, E., 2018. Random and Systematic Land Use/Land Cover Transitions in Semi-arid Landscapes of Ethiopian Central Rift Valley Lakes Region (East Africa). Applied Ecology and Environmental Research,16(4):3993-4014,
- Bekele, B.; Wu,W.; Temesgen, H.; Legesse, A.; Yirsaw, E., 2018. Socio-Environmental Impacts of Land Use/Cover Change in Ethiopian Central Rift Valley Lakes Region, East Africa. Applied Ecology and Environmental Research,16(5):6607-6632,
- Ketema, H., Wei, W., Legesse, A., Wolde, Z., Temesgen, H., Yimer, F. and Mamo, A., 2020. Quantifying smallholder farmers’ managed land use/land cover dynamics and its drivers in contrasting agro-ecological zones of the East African Rift. Global Ecology and Conservation, 21, p.e00898.
- Haile, K., Wu, W., Abiyot, L.,Wolde, Z., Habtamu, T., & Eshetu, Y. (2021). Ecosystem service variation and its importance to the wellbeing of smallholder farmers in contrasting agro-ecological zones of East African Rift. Food and Energy Security, 00, e310. https://doi.org/10.1002/fes3.310
- Wolde, Z., Wei, W., Ketema, H., Yirsaw, E. and Temesegn, H., 2021. Indicators of Land, Water, Energy and Food (LWEF) Nexus Resource Drivers: A Perspective on Environmental Degradation in the Gidabo Watershed, Southern Ethiopia. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(10), p.5181. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijerph18105181
- Temesgen, H., Wu, W., Legesse, A. and Yirsaw, E., 2021. Modeling and prediction of effects of land use change in an agroforestry dominated southeastern Rift-Valley escarpment of Ethiopia. Remote Sensing Applications: Society and Environment, 21, p.100469. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.rsase.2021.100469
- Kanno, G.G., Lagiso, Z.A., Abate, Z.G., Areba, A.S., Gondol, B.N., Temesgen, H., Van Wyk, R. and Aregu, M.B., 2021. Estimation of rainwater harvesting potential for emergency water demand in the era of COVID-19. The case of Dilla town, Southern, Ethiopia. Environmental Challenges, 3, p.100077. https://doi.org/10.1007/1-4020-4685-5_30.
- Jiru, E.B., Wegari, H.T. Soil and water conservation practice effects on soil physicochemical properties and crop yield in Ethiopia: review and synthesis. Ecol Process11, 21 (2022). https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-022-00364-2 .
- Ketema, H., Wu, W. and Temesgen, H., 2018. Quantifying the ecological values of land use types via criteria-based farmers’ assessment and empirically analyzed soil properties in Southern Ethiopia. Ecol. Env. Res, 16(6), pp.7713-7739.
- Musema, K., Yirsaw, E., Haile, G. & Temesgen, H., 2019. Effects of scattered Faidherbia albida (Del. A. Chev) tree on yield and yield components of three Cereal crops in Central Ethiopia. EJED 2(1) 2019: 21 – 45.
- Muhye, K., Yirsaw, E., Haile, G. & Temesgen, H., 2019. The role of participatory forest management in sustaining rural livelihood and forest conditions in Sheko Forest, Southwestern Ethiopia. EJED 3(1) 2020: 21– DOI: 10.20372/ejed.v03i1.03
- Habtamu Temesgen, 2021. Water hyacinth invasion in the Rift-Valley Lakes Basin – an emerging environmental and socioeconomic challenge: A Review Paper. EJED 2021 3(2): 58-72.
- Bekele, E., Abera, G. and Temesgen, H., 2024. Factors influencing adoption and intensity of agroforestry systems for mitigating land degradation (MLD) in Gilgel Gibe I catchment, southwestern Ethiopia. Cogent Food & Agriculture, 10(1), p.2380782. https://doi.org/10.1080/23311932.2024.2380782
- Bekele, E., Abera, G. and Temesgen, H., 2024. Effects of agroforestry land use on soil physicochemical properties and soil quality in Gilgel Gibe I catchment, Southwestern Ethiopia. Environment, Development and Sustainability, pp.1-24. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10668-024-05713-z
- Wodessa, F.W. and Temesgen, H., 2025. Relationship between geological structures and well yield in volcanic aquifers of Gidabo basin, Southern Ethiopia. Environmental Earth Sciences, 84(2), pp.1-9. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-024-12049-4
- Temesgen, H., Ketema, H., Kebede, G., Woldemariyam, F. and Tesfaye, G., 2025. The Golden Afromontane ecosystems at cross-road: Wetland-based upstream-downstream linkage in Genale Dawa River Basin. Heliyon. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2025.e41658
Address (current):
Dilla University
Tele: Mobile – +251 (0)911 794503;
Email- habte023@yahoo.com/habte023@du.edu.et
ORCID No.: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6110-9953
- habte023@du.edu.et
- +251 (0)911 794503
- https://orcid.org/0000-0002-6110-9953