Dilla University

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

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6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

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Call For Research Propossals

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Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

Green University, Sustainable Future

Dr. Getahun Haile

Dr.  Getahun Haile (PhD), Associate Professor of  Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management at the College of  Agriculture and Natural Resources , Department of Natural Resources Management, Dilla University, Ethiopia. Email Address getahun_h@yahoo.com getahun.haile@du.edu.et  Cell phone  No: 0912057770

Dr.  Getahun Haile (PhD), Associate Professor of  Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management at the College of  Agriculture and Natural Resources , Department of Natural Resources Management, Dilla University, Ethiopia. Email Address getahun_h@yahoo.com getahun.haile@du.edu.et  Cell phone  No: 0912057770

Educational Background

  • Addis Ababa University , PhD in Plant Biology and Biodiversity Management (Botany),
  • Mekele University, MSc in Tropical Land Resources Management, 2007
  • Debebu University, Wedo Genet College of Forestry , BSc in General Forestry, 2001

Past Experience (Academic or Administrative)

  • March 2001-2007 : Instructor in Department of Natural Resources Management in Shire Endesilasie TVET College, Tigray Ethiopia
  • March 2007 –2012 : Lecturer in Department of Natural Resources, Dilla University, Ethiopia
  • March 2012-2017 : Ph.D. candidate at Addis Ababa University, Ethiopia
  • 2017- present: Assistant professor in department of Natural Resources Management , Dilla University Ethiopia
  • Teaching, Research and Community service
  • 2017-2018 Vice dean of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources , Dilla University Ethiopia
  • 2018-2021Coordinator of PhD program in Natural Resources Management for sustainable Agriculture
  • 2023 post graduate Coordinator for department of Natural Resources Management

Teaching Natural Resources Management course  for Undergraduate and Postgraduate students, Conduct Research in Natural Resources Management. Advising Thesis work for Postgraduate Students(MSc)  in the Field of Agroforestry, Natural Resources Management and PhD Natural Resources management for sustainable Agriculture

Home Department at DU

Natural Resources Management

Courses Taught


  • Forest Mensuration and Management
  • Nursery Establishment and Management
  • Plantation Establishment and Management
  • Problematic Soils Management
  • Environmental Impacts Assessment


MSc course

  • Biodiversity Conservation in agro-forestry
  • Component Interaction and Productivity in Agro-forestry
  • Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation in Agroforestry
  • Socioeconomics and Extension in Agroforestry

PhD course

  • Climate Smart Agriculture
  • Biodiversity and Ecosystem Management
  • Seminar I

Published Papers lists with link (DOI)

1 Haile G, Gebrehiwot K, Lemenih M, Bongers F. 2011. Time of collection and cutting sizes affect vegetative propagation of Boswellia papyrifera (Del.) Hochst through leafless branch cuttings, Journal of Arid Environments 75 (2011) 873-877

  1. Haile G, Lemenih M, Itanna F , Agegnehu G . 2021. Comparative study on the effects of Acacia albida on yield and yield components of different cereal crops in Southern Ethiopia Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 2021, VOL. 71, NO. 6, 453–465 https://doi.org/10.1080/09064710.2021.1918234,

3.Haile G , Berihun H, Abera H, Agegnehu A, Lemenih M.,2023.  Soil Properties, Crop Yield, and Economic Return in Response to Lime Application on Acidic Nitisols of Southern Highlands of Ethiopia; International Journal of Agronomy, vol. 2023, Article ID 6105725, 1-13 , 2023.DOI  https://doi.org/10.1155/2023/6105725 (Scopus and Web of Science)

4.Haile G ,  Gebru C, Lemenih M, Agegnehu A. 2024. Soil property and Crop Yield Responses to Variation in Land Use and Topographic Position: Case study from Southern Highland of Ethiopia; Heliyon,2024, 10, 1-10DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2024.e25098.(Web of Science and Scopus)

  1. Haile G . Lemenih M . Senbeta F. Itanna F. 2016  Plant diversity and determinant factors across smallholder agricultural management units in Central Ethiopia Agroforest Syst, 2016, Vol 90 issues 2 DOI 10.1007/s10457-016-0038-5
  2. Haile G, Itanna F, Teklu B , Agegnehu G. 2022. Variation in soil properties under different land use types managed by smallholder farmers in central Ethiopia; Sustainable Environment 2022 8:1, 1-15, DOI: 10.1080/27658511.2022.2093058
  3. Haile G Itanna F and Lemenhi M. 20214. Status of soil properties of scattered Faidherbia albida (Del) in agricultural landscapes in Central Highland of Ethiopia, African Journal of Agricultural Research, 2014,  9(46), pp. 3379-3387 DOI: 10.5897/AJAR2014.9127
  4. Maru Y, Gebrekirstos A and Haile G .2021. Indigenous Sacred Forests as a Tool for Climate Change Mitigation: Lessons from Gedeo Community, Southern Ethiopia); journal of sustainable forestry, 2023: 42,260-287. DOI: https://org/10.1080/10549811.2021.2007490.(Web of Science and Scopus)
  5. Mebrate A, Zeray N, Kippie T,  Haile G. 2022.  Determinants of soil fertility management practices in Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia: logistic regression approach ; Heliyon 2022, 8: 1-10 DOI https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e08820 (Web of Science and Scopus)
  6. Mebrate A, Kippie T, Zeray N, Haile G. 2022 Selected physical and chemical properties of soil under different agroecological zone in Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia; Heliyon 2022,8: 1-9 .https://doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2022.e12011  (Web of Science and Scopus)
  7. Chimdesa G Bekele A Legesse A,  Haile G . 2020. Morphometric analysis for prioritizing sub-watersheds and  management planning and practices in Gidabo Basin, Southern Rift Valley of Ethiopia; Applied Water Science 2020, 10:1-15.h ttps://doi.org/10.1007/s13201-020-01239-7.(Web of Science and Scopus)
  8. Maru Y, Gebrekirstos A, Haile G., Farmers’ indigenous knowledge of tree conservation and acidic soil amendments: The role of “baabbo” and “Mona” systems: Lessons from Gedeo community, Southern Ethiopia; Cogent Food & Agriculture(2019), 5: 1-17  https://doi.org/10.1080/23311932.2019.1645259(Web of Science)
  9. Maru Y, Gebrekirstos A & Haile G., Indigenous ways of environmental protection in Gedeo community, Southern Ethiopia: A socioecological Perspective Cogent Food and Agriculture 2020, 6, 1-26 https://doi.org/10.1080/23311932.2020.1766732 (Web of Science)
  10. Getahun T, Mamo G, Haile G, Markos D, Tesfaye G.2024 .Spatiotemporal Changes in Actual Evapotranspiration, Soil Moisture, the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index, and Land Use/Land Cover in the Gedeo Coffee–Based Agroforestry System of Southern Ethiopia Jour nal of Chinese Soil and Water Conservation, 55 (2): 94-105 (2024) DOI: 10.29417/JCSWC.202406_55(2).0005

Advised Students list via paper

S,No. PhD Students Name Year Finished Thesis Title
1 Yoseph Maru 2022 Indigenous Ecological Knowledge Systems as a Tool for Enhancing Biodiversity, Carbon Stocks, and Cultural Values: Experience from Gedeo community, Southern Ethiopia
2 Gadisa Chimdesa 2021 Integrated Approach of Watershed Prioritization For Management Practices: The Case of Gidabo Sub-Basin, Southern Rift Valley Of Ethiopia
MSc student  
1 Keyre musema 2018 The effects of on farm scattered Acacia albida tree on the Productvity ofgrain yield of Three Ccereal crops (Maize, Wheat and Teff): A Case Study at SiltiWereda, Southern Ethiopia.
2 Kemal Muhye 2018 Role of Participatory Forest Management on  Improving Livelihood and Forest Status in Sheko Forest Southwestern , Ethiopia
3 Hamdala Rameto 2020 Effects of on farm scattered faidherbia albida and croton macrostachyus trees on the productivity of maize (zea mays l): a case study of Dalocha district, southern Ethiopia
4 Nenkobirbirsa 2021 Assessment Of Woody Plant Species  Diversity Andpossession, Their Future Prospects In Agricultural Landscapes: The Case Of Smallholder Farmland In Bule Hora District.
5 Abebaye Terfasa 2022 Assessing the contribution of homegarden agroforestry practice for enhancing household income and plant species diversity in Abaya Distric, Southern Ethiopia
6 Abreham Ayele 2023 Gender role in home garden agroforestry management in Wonsho district, Sidama Regional state in Ethiopia
7 Tadele Getnet 2024 Assessing Woody Plant Species Diversity, Woody Plant Biomass And Soil Carbon Sequestration Potential In Dilla Botanical Garden In South Ethiopia)

Awards, Certificates, if available,

  • 2001 Certificate in Natural Resources Management , Alage TVET College Ethiopia
  • 2002 Certificate in Natural Resources Management Agarfa TVET
  • 2009 Certificate in Geographical Information System and Remote Sensing Techniques,  Dilla University, Ethiopia
  • 2011 . Certificate in R Software Dilla University Ethiopia
  • 2012 Joint PhD-course/excursion in Tropical Ecology – with Dept. of Botany Stockholm University and Addis Ababa University conducted in Ethiopia
  • 2021 .Certificate of Reviewer for Journal of Acta Agriculture Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science
  • Certificate of Reviewer for Journal of Heliyon

Current Activities, (research, project)

  • Enset germplasma collection, Conservation, and genetic characterization, production and processing in Gedeo Zone, Southern Ethiopia (granted by DU)
  • Multifunctional agroforestry for enhancing biodiversity, improving livelihoods, and creating resilient landscapes in Ethiopian highlands (External in collaboration with CIFO-ICRAF)