President Office
Office Duties and Activities
Dilla University office of the president is led by the president of the university. The office is divided in to two major work processing unit. The first work unity is led by President Office Head with the following major activities;
- Preparing short and medium term budget and activity plan of the president office.
- Carry out the day to day routines of the president office with in consultation of the president.
- Track and report the implementation of the decisions of the president on Senate meeting, Management meetings etc
- Preparing various Reports and draft letters for the president
- Work closely with academic, administrative, research and community service and business and development lines for the attainment of strategic plan of the university
- Execute other activities given by the president
The second work Unit within the president office is led by the Special Advisor to the President. The following is the major duties and responsibilities of the work unit;
- Advise on new systems and strategies that help the university to achieve its mission, vision and goal.
- Advise the president on rules, regulations, proclamations etc sent from federal ministries for the smooth implementation within the university
- Advise on internal or external issues that need the decision of the president
- Shows the possible ways to overcome defects in the implementation of decision made by the president/management/senate
- Advise the president on academic and administrative wing human resource structure, finance and budget and procurement administration and recommend better systems to advance in their work accomplishment.
- Advise the president to strengthen institutional reform and good governance
- Execute other activities given by the president
Staff profile
Mr. Mesay Fikru Balcha
- Head, Office of the President
- Lecturer, College of Law and Governance Studies
- (MA in Governance Studies)
- Email-
- Phone- line +251463312459
- Mob. Office +251930507197
- Mob. Personal +25192430265
Ms. Helina Abera
- Vice Head, Office of the President
- Mob. +251910800620