Dilla University

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

Call for paper

Call for paper

6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

Call For Research Propossals

Call For Research Propossals

Upcoming Event

Upcoming Event

Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

Green University, Sustainable Future

Research Themes

General Description:

The overall objective of education is to ensure the sustainable development of a nation through the provision of quality education. In view of the demand from MoSHE to thematise research in Higher Education Institutions, the institute of Education and behavioral Sciences in collaboration with the Center for Educational Studies and Research (CESR) opted for the research theme that is supposed to be inclusive in order to address our country’s priority areas. In fact, the identified thematic area is in line with the international declaration of ‘Sustainable Development Goals’ to be achieved in 2030GC. It focused on quality challenges of the Ethiopian education system which is frequently voiced by both the decision makers, planners and the community at large. The grand researches identified are holistic from early child hood education to tertiary levels including several cross-cutting and contemporary issues. This thematic area is further disaggregated into grand themes as indicated below


The overarching aim of this thematic research is to alleviate multi-faceted and myriad educational challenges through rigorous problem-solving researches to ensure sustainable development of our country. Moreover, it aims to contribute new knowledge and methods of doing things the scientific community through publications in different reputable journals.


Sub-theme 1: Teacher Education

This sub-theme emphasizes all aspects of teachers’ education in all fields. Social Science education, natural science education, technology education, health education, agricultural education, business education and other related issues will be researched. In this regard, method of training, specific models and procedures specific to the field are included from preprimary to tertiary levels.

Sub-theme 2: Educational leadership, Management, policy and change

The hallmark of this sub-theme is to assess and evaluate the leadership, management, policy and change related practices of the education system at all levels. Educational supervision, management of resources, educational projects, economics of education and other cross-cutting and contemporary issues are parts and parcel of this sub-theme.

Sub-theme 3: Curriculum and Instruction

This sub theme covers all the curriculum development, implementation and evaluation aspects of the instructional process. Students’ learning, assessments and the application of different instructional technologies are included in this sub—theme.

Sub-theme 4: Special Needs and Inclusive Education

This sub theme again covers educational provision and other related issues to address the marginalized and disadvantaged groups of the society. It also intensively works on intervention, rehabilitation and ensuring the overall equity of citizens with various needs and interests through inclusion.

Sub-theme 5: Educational Psychology

This sub-theme attempts to address early childhood education, substance abuse, Guidance and counseling, behavioral disorders and other psychological problems that may have impacts on educational performance. It also encompasses broad issues of child development, peer influences, psycho-social and emotional challenges of students that may affect the performance of students.

Sub-theme 6: Integrated global and International Issues in Education

This sub theme covers comparative and international issues in education. It also includes adult and lifelong learning, digital technology education, multicultural education, community development and other boundary spanning contemporary issues in education. Global education networking, student mobility and exchange, and internationalization are included under this sub-theme.