Dilla University

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University became the first Ethiopian Public university Certified on a Good Financial Grant Practice (GFGP)

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Dilla University Held Its Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

Upcoming Event: Dilla University’s Annual Research Validation Workshop

Call for paper

Call for paper

6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

6th Science Week Symposium: Robotics and Artificial Intelligence for Societal Transformation

Call For Research Propossals

Call For Research Propossals

Upcoming Event

Upcoming Event

Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Dilla University signed MOU with Nanjing University to work in partnership

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call for Application: Workshop on Direct Marketing atHSWT & HdbL – Germany

Call For Papers

Call For Papers

Green University, Sustainable Future

Contact with Registrar Office

Welcome to Dilla  Univerity Registrar Office!

The Dilla University office of Registrar, comprising of ten units is dedicated primarily to serve faculty and students by providing services of scheduling, registration, record keeping and reporting. The office supervises student registration, maintains student academic records and record grades, issue academic transcripts and diplomas, authenticate enrollment and graduation, assigns classrooms and administers the issuing, renewing and replacing of the students’ identification cards. In geneal, our registrar has the following roles;

  • Recruitment and registration of students according to the prepared plan of the university;
  • Keeping academic records of students appropriately and systematically;
  • Receiving admission applications to the university and submitting these to the concerned colleges;
  • Provision of student transcripts and credentials;
  • Issuing, renewing and replacing, identification cards; and
  • Preparing list of students recommended for graduation and submits to the Senate for approval.

The ten units under the Registrar office are:-

  • Education and Behavioural sciences Institute students affairs office
  • Natural and Computational Sciences College students affairs office
  • Social Science and Humanities College students affairs office
  • Engineering and Technology College students affairs office
  • Agriculture and Natural Resources College students affairs office
  • Law school students affairs office
    Bussiness and Economics College students affairs office
  • Health and Medical Science College students affairs office
  • Continuing and Distance Education Registrar Unit
  • Freshman program Office